Note: Subject  verb

1.Everybody in library is reading the book

2.Everyone in the cinema is watching a movie

3.Everybody knows the rules, but somebody is not following them

4.Everything in the salad is good for you

5.Nobody in the class has completed the assignment on time

6.Everybody are going to the theater

7.Half of students in the class arrive early

8.All of the next chapter contains very important information

9.Someone have to clean up the house

10.Some of the fruit are rotten

11.No one here is afraid of skydiving

12.Everyone in the world needs love and respect

13.You should understand that anything is possible

14.Each plant in the garden appear healthy and strong

15.I am sure that every detail has been considered


1.They have taken three tests already this week

2.Their parents have allowed them to stay up late

3.I have always believed you

4.He has found the missing car keys5.

5.They have put their money in a savings account

6.She has ridden her bicycle to school every day

7.She has never run away from home before

8.He has offered me a high-paying job

9.Have you ever seen a ghost

10.They have seen that film six times

11.It has happened several times already

12.She has visited the frequently

13.We have eaten at that restaurant many times

14.They haven’t lived here for years

15.He has offered me a high-paying job